Sunday, March 16, 2008

Back to the land of the living

Finally. God, I hate being sick. I'm one of those people that rarely get sick, other than headaches and such, but when I get sick, I get pretty darn sick. I've still got a cough and a runny nose, but I feel one hundred percent better, so that's all that matters. I'll be up late tonight getting caught up on edits and such that I didn't do Thursday, Friday, yesterday, and today, since today we had a big family dinner for Palm Sunday up in South Bend. And dang it, my new little cousin wasn't there. :P My cousin Brian and his wife, Sarah, had their third, a girl named Rylee Faith, on Thursday. Which just so happens to be my mom and dad's wedding anniversary. =)

And speaking of anniversary's, Myles and I's four year anniversary is on Wednesday, March 20. Man, in some ways it feels like we've been together forever, but in other ways it just doesn't seem like that much time has passed. I feel like such a different person now than who I was when we met. He's the same, though. LOL Then again, he's ten years older than me, so when we met he was thirty-one and already set in his ways. I was a wide-eyed twenty-one-year-old that he could mold. LOL But man, it's going to be all confusing once we're married in October. We'll have a new anniversary and we'll have to add four and a half years to it. :P