Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ah, being caught up

Wow, I'm practically caught up with everything and damn, does it feel good. I've got all the edits done that I should have done, I only have a couple of submissions to read and a couple of revise and resubmit letters to write. Yes, a big sigh of relief is in order. I'll be getting ahead, and I've gotten into the groove of things, so I'll be able to take on more...hopefully, please, Angie, please? =) I'm even caught up at my day job, which is something nice, too. I was getting behind since I was editing at work, but now I'm just reading subs here, but I'm all caught up on those practically. LOL Soon I'll be left with nothing to do. *gulp* Nah, that won't happen. There's ALWAYS something to do, but that's good. That's how I like it.

Offered a contract on a book I really like yesterday. It's got a sexy cello player in it and the imagery in the book is frickin' awesome. Really loved it a lot. I'm anxious to start working on it. Hopefully my revise and resubmits go well, because I really love those books, too. =) And tonight, I think I will take the night off...well, part of it at least, and head over to my best friend's house for her Lia Sophia Spring catalog open house. I'll spend some time with friends and get to see my Samantha, plus, it'll give Myles some time to rock out on his guitar without me around to tell him to shut the damn door and turn it down so I can work. :) It'll be a good night. And to top it off, I'll get to come home and cuddle up with Myles to watch American Idol. It's the top twelve now, baby!

Man, I'm in a good mood today.

I'm off to get some more work done. Have a great day, y'all!


Anonymous said...

You're almost caught up with everything? :P

I didn't need to hear that - damn

Note to self - work faster