Monday, January 21, 2008

So, I'm back in Indiana

I'm back from vacation now. Today was a crappy day of traveling, but then again, flying always sucks. =) I got home to find that the front room smells like cat piss....obviously the kitties were not very happy with us being gone for two weeks. I'll have to spend some major time on my hands and knees cleaning that rug and the rest of the house tomorrow. Yeah, and I also need to take the Christmas stuff down this weekend, too. =) Hopefully the jet lag isn't too horribly bad, but it's 11:18 and I'm WIDE awake. =P So, we'll just have to wait and see.
Now that I'm back, there's soooo much to be done. More editing to do, more submissions to read, housework to do, laundry to do from vacation, grocery shopping, and oh, let us not forget, the wedding to plan. Yes indeedy. I've got to kick into high gear to get that going now. Man. So much to do!!! It's daunting, but it'll get done. I always manage. =)


DawnB said...

Welcome back. And I sympathize. I have hatred for vacation laundry. :-)