Monday, January 7, 2008

Leaving tomorrow!

Yup, at 10:42 a.m. my plane will be taking off from Indianapolis to take me far far away from here. Though, it wasn't so bad today, actually. It was in the 60s and we even had tornado watches...still do. Yeah, In January. Talk about weird. If this is global warming, I can't handle this. I don't dig the 0 degree weather we usually have this time of year.

And on a totally different note, I'm ticked off because we only have one country radio station that I can get in now. This blows. Yes, I'm hick, hillbilly, redneck, whatever you want to call me. Hell, Myles makes fun of me because we'll drive down the road and I'll say, "Damn, that's a nice deer stand. With the pond there it makes it perfect for duck hunting, too." Considering that he's from just outside Boston, he then will then laugh at me and call me a redneck. Honest to god, this exact situation happened a couple of days before Christmas driving up to my mom and dad's.

All right, I'm off to get the last teeny bit of packing done so I can chill on the couch, eat my Dairy Queen and watch some TV. No editing...I'll get plenty of that done on my plane rides the next two days. =) I'll blog and post pics as I have time.