Thursday, May 29, 2008

It's a really good thing I'm not working today

Because I sooooo didn't mean to stay out until 2:15 last night. Yeah...not so good. Especially since I'm sick. I left work early yesterda afternoon, came home and crashed for about four hours. I got up when Myles got home from work and tried to force-feed myself, since I hadn't eaten a thing all day. I sat on the couch watching TV and going through some emails, started to feel a little better. But I'm one of those people that sleeps and then feels great, but the long I'm awake, the worse I feel. Around 8:30 Myles came into the living room and asked if I was feeling any better. I told him yeah, I was. Turns out, our buddy Alex, one of the ushers in the wedding, just got accepted into a surgical tech internship and wanted to celebrate. He was out drinking at my FAVE bar, Nine Irish Brothers Pub, so we met him over there for what was supposed to be a beer so that I could be home by 10 to be back in bed. Didn't happen. Alex bought about three rounds of shots, and Myles and I kept ordering one Irish brew after another, ended up hanging out with one of the owners, and before we knew it, it was 12:30. Then we headed over to BW3s for just one more, which turned into food and two more. =P And before I knew it, I wasn't getting home until after 2. Yeah, not so good. So, I woke up at about 7:30 and I've been up ever since...coughing like an eighty-year-old lady who's smoked all her life. It doesn't sound pretty AT ALL. Hopefully I feel better before tomorrow so when I go up to my mom and dad's I'm not miserably sick on my supposed-to-be great weekend. Especially since I'm pretty sure what I had planned tonight isn't going to work. I don't particularly want to be around my two-year-old neice and get her sick. That's no good. =(