Sunday, May 4, 2008

Can I go to sleep now?

It's only three and already I've had a full day of...stuff. :P I've been editing (I finalized one today. That's the second this week. Woo hoo!), I went grocery shopping, I've got a load of laundry in the dryer and one in the washer, I've swept and mopped the floors (I HATE the ceramic tile in this's this grey and white color, so it ALWAYS looks dirty to me, even after I mop), I have a red velvet cake in the oven (Impulse buy at Wal Mart), I cleaned up the kitchen, and I've spray-painted some blacks frames white for my mom's Mother's Day gift. Whew. And I'm not done yet. :P I have more editing, more laundry, dinner to make, laundry to put away, and a couple of bathrooms to clean. Whew again. And I'm sure I'll find other stuff to clean, too. Oh, and sweeping the stairs. Have I mentioned I'm a bit of an OCD clean freak? =)

Hopefully everyone else is having a bit more of a relaxing weekend than me. I'm saving it all for the last weekend of May when I got to my parents' for the WHOLE weekend when Myles is out of town. No laptop, no work. God, I can't wait.