Sunday, February 17, 2008

No Disneyworld for me this year

Yeah, I'm really bummed about this today. We've been planning it for awhile, but it looks like it's just not in the cards this year. Finances suck because of the wedding and stuff, so we can't afford to go to Disneyworld with my mom and dad and little bro. This stinks.

I know I'm supposed to be happy with what I have, but that's always so hard to do. It's hard to not be so disappointed when something you've looked forward to for over a year gets taken awhile. Myles keeps telling me that I should just go, that we can afford for one of us to go, but I would feel so wrong doing that. I don't think that's fair at all. Plus, I just wouldn't have as much fun without him. =(

Maybe next year we can go, but with the wedding, we just have to put all of our money to doing that. Yup...I'm giving up Disneyworld, that I REALLY wanted to do, for a big wedding that I really didn't want, that we have to have because that's how Myles family does things. I'm not going to get started on that one, cuz I'll just get even more angry. Spending 15-20 grand on ONE DAY is just retarded to me. I could buy a lot of shoes and Starbucks with that, dammit.


Anonymous said...

You already sound like an ol' married couple.
Compromises, sacrifices, guilt...

Tera Kleinfelter said...

Yeah, we pretty much are...*sigh*