Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Been in a funk

Yeah, I've kind of been in a funk lately, so I haven't been wanting to be very social, and that includes blogging. I'm starting to come out of it a bit, so I'm peeking out of my hole a little bit. ;P My day job has been horrid lately. I won't go into details, but it's just too busy and I've been really stressed. It feels a teeny bit better this week, so I'm hoping it'll continue on the upward trend. =)

Plus, it's looking like my brother won't be coming back for the wedding, as of right now. The Army is telling him that they're going to send the entire unit back at the same time...the beginning of August. No good! So, yeah, I'm pretty bummed about that. I only get to get married once, and I REALLY want my brother there. *sigh*

Okay, maybe I'll post something more joyful later or tomorrow. It ain't gonna happen right now.