Friday, November 21, 2008

A quiet Friday night

So Myles went out with a friend tonight to play penny poker, have some beer, and have some guy time. Works for me. I headed to El Rodeo with David and Misty and the kids for some Mexican food and BIG margaritas. Had a bunch of laughs with/at the kids and then treated myself to some Starbucks to attempt to stay up late and get some editing done. I've got a bunch I want to get done this weekend so I can take a break next week over the long weekend. =) Especially since I'll be putting Christmas stuff up. Woo hoo! I love putting it up, but God I hate taking it all down. For some reason, it just doesn't feel like work when I'm putting it up since I'm so excited. Then come January 2nd and it's time for it all to come down... Yeah, I just don't want to do it. It usually takes me until about the middle of January to force myself to do it. LOL And no, it's not because I'm all sad to "put Christmas away", I just really don't want to spend the time and energy on it. And this year will be sucky, considering last year, we were heading to Hawaii on January 8 for two weeks. Yeah. That would be so nice to be able to do that every January. Becase, really, is there anything good happening after New Year's for like, months. lol Literally.

But for now, I'm in a good, positive mood. See me again in January and I'm sure it'll be a different story. I'll be hermiting and editing and really just not wanting to leave the house in general unless it's to go to work or get food. =P