Friday, November 28, 2008

Query letters

Guess what? I'm not going to bitch about them this time. =) Isn't that amazing. I just got one that is probably the best I've ever seen. Instead of starting out with the normal "My name is... My book is... (brief explanation of the book)..." and so one and so forth, the author uses a tagline.

"I've just stolen two million dollars from you. What are you willing to do to get it back?"

It immediately had my attention and piqued my curiousity. It was a great idea because it immediately got my attention. It stood out...and in a good way. Because, well, when query letters stand out for me it's normally in a negative way. And as we all know, first impressions are everything, and it can affect your opinion of a book/author.

Now, I haven't even opened the manuscript, so I have no clue what the quality of the writing is. But, they've got my attention, which is ALWAYS a good thing. Considering the fact that 95% of what we read is rejected. And trust me, it's not always an easy decision.