So, I know that y'all are aware of the rental drama and that we've been crazy working on it. You've seen the pictures...and if you haven't, they're on my blog and scroll back and look. That's all I've been doing. ALL I HAVE BEEN DOING. We've made mucho progress and I figured y'all might be curious as to how different it looks. We're about three-fourths of the way through. We have to be done by this Thursday evening, since the new tenants move in on Friday, August 1. I'm seeing some late worknights in my future this week. =P A little more painting, some touch ups, and a lot of cleaning. But, we've made A LOT of progress. And the new carpet goes in tomorrow.
Yeah, this is the old-style plaster and lath wall construction that we tore down. The reason behind tearing the wall out was because the windows you see there are new windows that Myles, Wayne, and David put in last weekend. You can see Myles (left) and Wayne (right) through the window...they're working on the new siding that was put up on the back of the house. It was a pain in the butt to tear that wall down, too. I was SORE.

This is paint that I had to scrape off the trimwork. And there is LOTS of this trimwork in the house. I counted the coats of paint. It was nine or ten at my best count. Yeah, not so much fun. I spent about five hours doing that last weekend.

This is the room that was blue, an absolute filthy mess and had the pool table in it. All painted and ready to get carpet in it tomorrow. Then it'll just be sometouch up paint and cleaning the windows and this room will be DONE.
This is some of my odd sense of humor. There is an old well in the backyard and on a night we're they were partying pretty heavily, they broke the concrete and rebar cover on it because they were curious what was down there. Dude, it's a well. It's a hole with water in it. (I actually think this is a water cistern and not a well, but I'm only a girl, so what the hell do I know? Grrr) So David and Myles made a new concrete and rebar cover for it...One that can't be removed. It's pretty obvious what my contribution was. Misty drew the angel. Too bad they covered it with dirt today and it will be seeded. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when someone in the future unearths it. LOL "Oh my God! They buried their grandmother in their backyard!"

And last, but certainly not least, this is all the trash. It takes up almost an entire city block. About nine-tenths of it is what the tenants put out there this past Friday and Saturday. We're just hoping that the trash guys pick it up tomorrow morning. I have NO clue what we're going to do if they don't. There was about half of this amount last weekend and they picked it up, so yeah. We're crossing our fingers. And toes. And legs. And arms. And anything else that can possibly be crossed.
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