Yes, today is 99 days until the wedding. Wow. I remember when we first got engaged and it was damn near 1000 (Yes, we've been engaged for a long time, been together even longer). I've been working on getting stuff done and Myles has actually helped with some stuff. We chose our wedding vows this week, chose our unity candle, chose the cake topper... I also called the florist to set up a time to meet next week to go over my very simple but very explicit floral wants and needs. I REALLY want to have dark red calla lilies if they can be found. Sometimes they can be realyl hard and/or too expensive to get. We'll just have to see how it goes. *sigh* Also talked to the minister yesterday and we'll be setting up our premarital counseling stuff, which won't be a big deal at all. And next week, I go to buy my shoes for the big day and to go for my second dress fitting. They told me I need to have about three of them, so that we know if I'm maintaining my weight or if I need to lose a tad. Lord, I've been living off of cigarettes, water, tuna salad and tad bit of decaf coffee a couple of times a week, so I had better fit in the damn thing perfectly! LOL
And now there's other wedding stuff I'm excited for that my friends are doing...very secretive. =) September 6 is my bridal shower (at my house, because well, mine is in the best location for my out-of-town family, and because it's the biggest), but that's it. That's all I know! And my bachelorette party that I was planning on keeping really simple and low key has now turned into a two-day extravaganza, including a trip out of town all day Saturday, Saturday night, and all day Sunday. And, guess what? I'm not allowed to know anything about this, either. =P
And yes, you'll hear a lot of wedding stuff from me for the next three months, because, well, I'm really happy and excited and enjoying every minute of it. I started planning early, so I have the majority done, so I'm not having to rush to get anything done--very non-stressful. =)
And above is a picture of my wedding dress. =) I adore it. And it's gold. I'm really into this "no white at my wedding" thing. I think the gold dress is what started it. =P And the angle is kind of weird in the one because the lady told me "squat" because it's so poofy it makes me look like a cupcake when I do that. LOL I don't really like the other one, but it shows the dress well. And keep in mind that I've lost 15 pounds since I got it. LOL
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