Friday, August 8, 2008

I LOVE the show...

Paranormal State. I tried to get into Ghost Hunters, but well, it sucked. They never show anything and it gets stupid. So I quit bothering with it. And then Paranormal State came on, and I'm hooked on it. =) Then again, I've always gotten into the darker side of things, and I truly believe all that stuff. I've seen some crazy stuff that just can't be explained by anything else. Myles has always been a skeptic of all of it until recently. One of the guys at his work is on a local paranormal investigation team and he brought in some EVPs the other day for them to listen to. He said they were pretty "crazy". =P He also said that it was hard to ignore the fact that it might be real when it was this certain guy that brought the tapes in and is on the investigative group when said guy is a really smart Purdue grad student. Or maybe he's undergrad. Hell, I don't know. I don't even know the guy's name. LOL I just know Myles thinks he's a smart guy and a good guy and he said it's kind hard not to believe in the paranorma, stuff now. Which makes me happy, because now he turns on Paranormal State without me asking. =)

And this season is WAY better than the first season. The cases are better and the facts and proof of the "haunting" are much better. There have been a couple where you the viewer actually see what they are seeing, because Sergei is taping the rooms they are in and it's replayed. The viewer gets to see the chair move on its own, you get to see the shadow they are seeing, and the crazy lights floating around in the kitchen. And I'm sure there are skeptics out there who will explain away everything, but maybe some things just can't be explained away.


White Russian said...

Hey Tera,

Thanks for watching, and for the kind words.


Kim said...

That's the one thing I HATE about Ghost Hunters (which, I confess, I never miss) - all this stuff is supposedly happening, and the cameras are on Jason & Grant. And then I'm yelling at the tv "Who cares about their expressions! Film what they're seeing!" LOL