Unlike Julia Robert's, my best friend's wedding was awesome for me. =)
I left work a couple a of hours early on Friday so that Misty, her daughter Grace, and I could go out and get our nails and toes done, eat some dinner, do some shopping, and get David's wedding present.
We got back to my house around 9:30 and went to bed shortly afterward. Got up in the morning, left to grab some Starbucks, and sat in Jesse's hair salon for about three hours. We had a good laugh at Grace telling Jesse to stop poking her skull with needles (bobby pins), that she wasn't a pin cushion, and that she could feel them in her brains. We were a tad late getting out of there since the bridal part before us were inconsiderate butt heads, so we raced down to Indy in the pouring rain, Misty driving 70 the whole way. Doing my makeup in the car wasn't so much fun, either, but hey, it got done and that's all that mattered. On the way, I had to hold Misty's veil to the side, which earned me a blister on my elbow from leaning on the center console, and I had to talk her down from bursting into tears when she got a call that her family from Kentucky was stuck outside of Indy because of flooding. Bad stuffs. I guess southern Indiana is in a state of emergency because of all the flooding. It's bad. We've gotten so much rain this year.
So, we got there, I had to go in first to make sure David was away from the door, in my jeans and T-shirt with my hair and makeup done, and Myles didn't even recognize me! Huh?
After we got changed into out dresses and were about the get the show on the road, Kevin (Misty and David's son, the ring bearer) had a fit and wouldn't take the pillow. Misty didn't even care, she just wanted to get married. =) So Kevin ended up hiding under the cake table for half of the ceremony. When he finally came out, Uncle Myles picked him up. Kev then saw the blue-iced cake on the table and started talking about how he didn't want to eat it 'cause he didn't want to turn into a blueberry like "Chocolate Factory". Someone's been watching too much Willy Wonka. Hahaha.
After dinner, we all headed back to Lafayette and went to our favorite bar (well, except for Myles), Cox's. We had a blast. Shots for all and lots of beer and dancing and karoake. It was sooo much fun. And, our hairstlyist/friend, Jesse, was even able to meet us there. Man, we had so much fun. =) Here's a couple of pics. And for the record, the blond guy in the pic with me is Brian, my other best friend Ann's husband and one of Myles's best friends. He also happens to be a really good friend of mine, too. =)
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