Get into the wedding business. I mean, seriously. The prices people charge for the simplest things are absolutely ridiculous. Retarded, even. Last night, my best friend Ann and I went out to the bridal shop to have her two and a half-year-old daughter, one of my flower girls, try on some flower girl dresses. We both fell in love with one, and it's a close match to my wedding dress, which is what I wanted. And then we looked at the price tag. $140 for a friggin' kids' dress that they're going to wear once! Are you kidding me?!?
So now I'm online trying to find it or something very similar for a cheaper price...and it seems like there is no cheaper price. They're all claiming that the "discounted" prices are anywhere from $135 to $250. I mean, come on. Is this for real?
I'm telling you, I'm in the WRONG business. I could be out there bending people over and making money off of it. That sounds like so much more fun than editing, doesn't it? Or wait, if I want to bend people over, I can buy an oil company or something. But, that's a different rant for another day. I'm too busy fuming over how much wedding crap is. And for those that might be
curious, here's the dress.

What a pretty dress!
You're right; weddings are expensive. A friend of mine spent almost $100k on a wedding in Japan. >.< (Her hubby's family's loaded, so it was okay, but seriously...!)
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