Friday, February 22, 2008

For those who have asked...

I've had a few people ask/tell me to share some more about I'm going to share. Random Tera quirks, likes, dislikes, etc.

1. The reason my name is spelled funny is because my grandmother's favorite book/movie is Gone With the Wind and my mom didn't want to spell it Tara because of that.

2. I LOVE elephants. I love elephants so much that I even have a tattoo of a pink elephant on my hip.

3. I hate it when people say "I seen them at the store yesterday." Drives me nuts!

4. I look just like my mom. Most people think we are sisters.

5. I can be really lazy sometimes. Especially on the weekends. Most days I don't get up until eleven or twelve...of course, I'll have to say good-bye to that when Myles and I have kids.

6. I don't like to wear dresses.

7. I'm a tomboy through and through. Have been since I was born.

8. I like to go out in the words and traipse around.

9. I love fishing and hunting and probably know more about both than most other girls you'll meet.

10. It's all about cars, baby. I love them. Working on them, driving them, racing them, admiring them. Love 'em.

11. I have really really small hands. Random people actually comment to me about how small my hands are. People I don't even know.

12. I have OCD. But not horribly bad...=P

13. I love to sing. Absolutely love it. Myles wants me to do more with my voice, but I don't have the confidence too. Karaoke when I'm drunk is about as far as it goes.

14. I love hanging out at my favorite bar, drinking and singing.

15. I adore kids. I can't wait until I have my own.

16. I'm Irish and American Indian.

17. Yes, I know, I'm young...I'll be 26 this year.

18. I'm getting married in October to my best friend. And yes, I'll be wearing a dress.

19. My one regret is that I didn't go away to college when I graduated from high school.

20. I'm extremely opinionated and not afraid to tell anyone exactly what I think.

21. I talk A LOT. Way too much actually.

22. I'm too trusting.

23. I love shoes, but I hate wearing them. It makes sense to me, dammit.

24. I have more scars than most guys I know. When I said I was/am a tomboy, I really meant it.

25. My family is more important to me than anything else. And I consider my close friends to be family.