Friday, August 15, 2008

I am succumbing to the madness of...

Harry Potter. Yes, I am. I've always steered away from it, and I have no clue why. Maybe it's because I always associated it with little kids, but I know SO many adults who have read the series and loved it, that I've decided to read it. And Misty has all of them and brought them to me to read, so I'm going to start reading the first one today. And she has all the big, bad, hardback ones. LOL The last two are huge and heavy. I'm gonna get my arms workout for the wedding just by reading. LOL

So yeah, I'll be doing my normal thing and posting reviews of them as I read them. I'm gonna start teh first one on my lunch, and I'm able to get through quite a lot of a book in an hour. Mad reading skillz is kinda something you have to have when you're an editor. LOL


Emily said...

No way....I am starting to read them today too! I've always been against it, but everyone in Josh's family has read them and loved them. I'm stuck in a hotel in Cleveland today, and I've got nothing but time!

Tera Kleinfelter said...

Hahaha. That's just craziness. I mentioned that I was going to read them and the very next day, here comes your sister with a big bag of 'em. LOL But she said I can't have the last one yet cuz she hasn't finished it. =P

Kim said...

You won't be disappointed... Swear to God...

I may go and reread the series - I should finish in time for the Half-Blood Prince opening next summer! =)