Friday, August 1, 2008

And the verdict is...

I have to go in for an MRI on Wednesday for my knee. I'm not happy about it. Only because it means I have to have an IV. I'm not afraid of the big magnet they're going to stick me in or anything like that. I'm petrified to have to have an IV. Why you ask? Dunno. When they draw my blood, I get nauseated and faint if i'm not laying down, and even then, I have a rough time with it. When I get shots, it's bad. And IVs are the absolute worst. Any time I've ever had an IV it's been BAD. When I got my wisdom teeth out, they did it in my hand and it bruised to bad down to my wrist I could barely move my hand. When I had my appendix out five years ago, they could only find a vein by my therefore when I bent my arm, the needle was poking into my bone. For two days it was like that. Finally, on the third day when blood starting backing up into my IV, they moved it. I DO NOT do well with IVs, having blood drawn, and shots. So I'm starting to get more and more nervous about Wednesday and having an IV so they can inject crazy dye into me.

But do you want to know the kicker of all this? I love tattoos. I have three and I'm getting one more right before my wedding. My last one since Myles really doesn't like them. And the one on my lower back is pretty big. A tattoo doesn't phaze me to get and I have no qualms about going in and getting fact, I get excited. So could someone please tell me what's up with that? =P

And just in case anyone cares, the reason I have to have an MRI on my knee....Since high school I've had really bad knees, the right one being the worst. Now it clicks when I walk up stairs. So they think something is rubbing or that I have might have a loose piece of cartilage under my kneecap. The first might mean surgery, the second definately means surgery. *sigh* I'm not a happy camper.


Misty said...

you said KICKER b, I'm so proud...david says it so much, that I say it, now you say it....
VICIOUS cycle isn't it? FOR SERIOUS!!! :0)

BTW...I'll be there with you if you want me to.

Tera Kleinfelter said...

I know...but I'll still prolly have to go back there by myself and stuff. *sigh*

And I noticed the other day that I'm starting to say "okay" too, in the middle of talking. *sigh* And now Myles says "For Pete's sake" like me and all that stuff. The four of us are going to turn into freaking clones.