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Saturday, November 29, 2008
Posted by Tera Kleinfelter at 9:18 PM 0 comments
So, today is the day for Christmas. Yesterday we ended up having to replace a dryer at one of the rentals, so that took up most of the day, which meant that I didn't get to put up all the Christmas stuff. So, today is the day. =) Woo hoo! I've got all of my little knick knacks to take down and replace with Christmas stuff and my two trees to put up. Yes, I said two. I have our main one in the family room where we spend all of our time, and I have the simple one with white lights that I put up in the front window, since I love the look of it from outside. =) We also have the lights to put up outside and the big wreath at the peak of the roof above the garage.
And the Christmas trees up means that the cats get their favorite places to sleep back. =) They will CONSTANTLY be underneath the trees. And Piper? Well, we don't think he does this anymore, but when he was a kitten, he would climb up the tree and lay across the branches in the middle.
Posted by Tera Kleinfelter at 10:56 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
Query letters
Guess what? I'm not going to bitch about them this time. =) Isn't that amazing. I just got one that is probably the best I've ever seen. Instead of starting out with the normal "My name is... My book is... (brief explanation of the book)..." and so one and so forth, the author uses a tagline.
"I've just stolen two million dollars from you. What are you willing to do to get it back?"
It immediately had my attention and piqued my curiousity. It was a great idea because it immediately got my attention. It stood out...and in a good way. Because, well, when query letters stand out for me it's normally in a negative way. And as we all know, first impressions are everything, and it can affect your opinion of a book/author.
Now, I haven't even opened the manuscript, so I have no clue what the quality of the writing is. But, they've got my attention, which is ALWAYS a good thing. Considering the fact that 95% of what we read is rejected. And trust me, it's not always an easy decision.
Posted by Tera Kleinfelter at 9:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: Editing
Friday, November 21, 2008
A quiet Friday night
So Myles went out with a friend tonight to play penny poker, have some beer, and have some guy time. Works for me. I headed to El Rodeo with David and Misty and the kids for some Mexican food and BIG margaritas. Had a bunch of laughs with/at the kids and then treated myself to some Starbucks to attempt to stay up late and get some editing done. I've got a bunch I want to get done this weekend so I can take a break next week over the long weekend. =) Especially since I'll be putting Christmas stuff up. Woo hoo! I love putting it up, but God I hate taking it all down. For some reason, it just doesn't feel like work when I'm putting it up since I'm so excited. Then come January 2nd and it's time for it all to come down... Yeah, I just don't want to do it. It usually takes me until about the middle of January to force myself to do it. LOL And no, it's not because I'm all sad to "put Christmas away", I just really don't want to spend the time and energy on it. And this year will be sucky, considering last year, we were heading to Hawaii on January 8 for two weeks. Yeah. That would be so nice to be able to do that every January. Becase, really, is there anything good happening after New Year's for like, months. lol Literally.
But for now, I'm in a good, positive mood. See me again in January and I'm sure it'll be a different story. I'll be hermiting and editing and really just not wanting to leave the house in general unless it's to go to work or get food. =P
Posted by Tera Kleinfelter at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Funny pets
I've spent my weekend switching off between cleaning and editing, and I've gotten quite a lot of both done. Right now, as I'm trying to type, I have a Piper Pussicaticus next to me on the arm of the couch, head-butting me and swishing his tail in my face letting me know just how displeased he is that I haven't been very loving this weekend. =) But hey, I fed him and cleaned his litter box? What more could he ask for?
Yesterday, Myles and I were putting curtains up in the bedroom and Piper decided he was going to play in them. They're longer and rest on the floor, so it's a perfect cat place, though Myles and I aren't too happy about it. Well, to attempt to dissuade the cat/s from playing in the curtains and potentionally/definitely snagging up the sheers, Myles began to freak Piper out by doing whatever he was doing and telling Piper the Curtain Monster would eat him. *shaking my head* So, here's Piper, all worked up. He runs into the hallway, and I'm at a vantage point where I can see him and Myles can't. He is laying up against the wall, his tail going about a million miles a second. He turns back to look at me, and his tail hits him in the face....and scares him....and he jumps about two feet high. People, you can't just make this stuff up. For serious. I haven't had a laugh that good in a while. =)
Yes, it's a stupid, but I felt the need to share. So, share it I have.
Posted by Tera Kleinfelter at 11:14 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I steal
And I steal from Angela...well, this time at least. She posted a video of Keith Olbermann and his reponse to the passing of Prop 8 in California, and I've got to say, it really touched me. I'm not even going to bother to say more because he says it so much better than I ever could. Thanks, Angie!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Catcher and the Lie by Rita Oberlies
I had a new one release yesterday! Go buy it here!
One player works extra innings to make Abby break her own rules about love.
After a year of personal and professional upheaval Nick Valente is in the market for redemption, not temptation. Getting involved with any woman, especially smart-mouthed Abby McCabe, is simply not in this player’s game plan.
Experience, mostly bad, has convinced Abby McCabe that she has a special gift for finding men who can’t help falling out of love with her. Getting close to a man, especially one who plays the field professionally, is sure to add another loss to her emotional score sheet.
As summer heats up an unexpected spark turns into a flame. But fear of getting burned winds up putting two strikes in their relationship. With Nick on the bench, it’s up to Abby to turn the game around. Trusting this man with her heart could deliver the biggest save of her life—or the biggest error she ever made.
Will they strike out or end up with a homerun?
Warning, this title contains the following: a hot baseball player with all-star equipment, a smack talking woman who doesn’t know the score, and a world class collection of inflatable dolls.
Posted by Tera Kleinfelter at 8:01 AM 2 comments
Labels: Editing, New Releases, Samhain Publishing
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Yes, I'm up
I've been trying to force myself to wake up earlier on the weekends. When I sleep until noon I feel like I've wasted so much of the day. Especially with everything I have to do, the last thing I need to be doing is wasting time sleeping. And now the weekends are so much more important for getting stuff done since the evenings are trash for doing anything much. When it gets dark out at five, you really don't have the energy to do anything. It's a struggle to stay up past nine right now, since my body is still adjusting to it getting dark so early. Hopefully it adjusts soon. Sigh.
Today I plan on finishing edits on Rockstar and sending that off and then I'll be getting some stuff around the house done. Oh, and grocery shopping. The cats have no wet food left and they are making it known that they are NOT very happy about that whatsoever. I swear, when we give them dry food, they sniff at it and then turn their noses away. They only eat it when they realize they're not going to be getting anything else. =P Yes, they're very spoiled. But hey, when you don't have any kids yet, your pets are your kids.
Another thing I'll be doing today is looking through my recipes for casseroles. I can make a 9 x 11 pan of something and Myles and I can eat it four 3 or four days. Make a second one and switch them off and we eat for a whole week. With the prices at the grocery store, this has become even more important. It sucks when you pay $70 bucks for only a few things.
Anyone have any good casserole recipes your family enjoys? And keep in mind, Myles won't eat vegetables...or they have to be big enough for him to pick them all out. =)
Posted by Tera Kleinfelter at 9:38 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I know I know
I've sucked at blogging. I sit down to write one and I have a great idea, but then something distracts me. A submission I'm reading, or edits to do, or someone talking to me. Something, anything, pulls me away from the task at hand. And for those of you that know me, you know that's not hard to do to me. I'm a distractable procrastinator. Yes, I'll admit it.
But this week, I've been working hard to complete all those little things I've been putting off. I've been an asbsolute machine when it comes to editing and reading submissions, but other than that, I don't have much to be proud of this week. =P I'll be spending the weekend doing a lot of catch up stuff around the house and hopefully I can persuade the Myles to hang some curtains with me, but we'll see how it goes. I'm sure he'll spend a lot of time on with his new toy, the lawn vac, sucking up every stray leaf he sees. lol He's even told the neighbors not to rake. =)
So, yeah, that's about all in my life now, but I've been going through a lot of writing and grammar stuff, so be prepared for posts related to the subjects in the very near future, since I've been slacking from sharing the editor side of me lately. And I know how you all love it when I talk grammar and the like!
Posted by Tera Kleinfelter at 8:03 AM 0 comments