Myles and I couldn't watch them on Friday so we set them to tape on the DVR and watched them last night. David and Misty were over last night for Myles birthday, so we watched it with them, and we all came to the same conclusion: it was one bug cluster you-know-what. We didn't really see that either of them really answer the questions, and the moderator even picked up on that and made some comments regarding it, too. They both kept saying what needed to be done, but neither ever said HOW they were going to do it, which is the most important part.
I'm not going to tell you who I'm going to vote for, because, well, I don't know who I'm going to vote for. I really don't like either one. I will admit, Obama did better in the debates by far. That still doesn't make me like him any better, though.
I mean, McCain...he's old, he's been pro-Bush's ideas (which I hate), he wants to keep us in the war...the list goes on.
And Obama. Ugh. He has absolutely zero patriotism, which I hate. He won't even put his hand over his heart when the National Anthem is playing or the Pledge of Allegiance is being said. And, straight from my brother who's in Iraq, was there when Obama went to visit Iraq. Obama refused to go into the hospitals and visit wounded soldiers because the cameras couldn't follow him in there. I do like how he wants to get us out of this stupid war and put or soldiers where they really should be, in Afghanistan searching Bin Laden out.
Like I said, I'm not big on either one, so I guess I'm just going to have to keep watching and decide who the lesser of the two evils is. Either way, I think this country is pretty much screwed.
Oh, and what's all this crap they were talking about that we're winning the war in a Iraq and we'll be the victors, blah blah blah. Can someone please tell me what the hell we're winning? Seriously. McCain kept talking about how the Iraqis look at us as, no they don't. My brother said they hate us and want us to get the hell out of their country.
And here's a way to save money, stop giving it away to people like Georgia and Africa. I think it's time our governemt stopped trying to be everyone's big brother and aiding all these other countries and start paying attention to their own country for once. Start letting other countries deal with their own problems.
Can anyone tell I'm really annoyed by the whole entire election? Sigh.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Presidential Debate
Posted by Tera Kleinfelter at 10:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: Random
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I've been...
A bad, bad blogger lately. And the sad thing is, I haven't been all that crazy busy, so I really have no excuse. =P I'm just a crappy blogger lately.
I'll probably start to get busier in the next few days, since as of right now, the wedding is only16 days away. This weekend is the trip up to my parents' to pick up my dress from the alterations, next week is my two-day bachelorette party extravaganza, and then on Weds 10-8, family and friends start arriving from all over the country, including Hawaii. So yeah, I'm thinking I will continue to be a crappy blooger for a little while, though I will do my absolute bestest to remember. =) I just can't make any promises since I'm not sure I can keep them. lol
In the category of "Tera's Latest Obsessions" today, we have the Vampires Game on MySpace. Don't ask, because I have no freaking clue how I got into it. I think Misty sent me the invite and it's been downhill ever since. I sat in front of the TV last night, clicking over to my MySpace page every few minutes to refresh and see how much Energy and Rage I had. Yes, I know. It's sick. Completed depraved, but it's got me hooked. And with my OCD, once I'm hooked on something, it becomes a crazy obsession. Sigh. So if you need me, that's where I'll probably be, with my nose pressed into my laptop and my fingers frozen in place over the keyboard, playing Vampires. Yes, it's that bad. But hey, the more distracted I get, the less I think about things like food, so maybe it'll be a valuable weight-loss tool. (Shhh. Let me try and spin this into something positive.)
Posted by Tera Kleinfelter at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Things you need to know
Which myths about alcohol are actually true? Well, today I'm going to address five of them, thanks to the Exponent, Purdue University's newspaper. =)
Myth 1: Beer gives you a beer belly.
And the answer is........FALSE! (Oh thank you, lord). There has been any substantial research to confirm the fact the beer causes consumers to gain excessive amounts of weight. There are alternative explanations to the correlation between beer drinks and excess weight. Beer drinkers tend to eat food when they are intoxicated, so their weight gain can be attributed to excess calorie intake. Another reason beer drinkers may gain weight is because of the amount of alchohol they drink. Heavy drinkers who are putting down a six pack or more a night are going to gain basically, to sum it up, beer drinkers who aren't alkies are okay. Ya hoo!
Myth 2: Beer before liquor, you've never been sicker. Liquor before beer, you're in the clear.
FALSE! Sweet. I've always made an attempt to follow this one, but it never quite works out with all the shots I take while drinking beer. =P Studies show confirm that mizing alcoholic beverages with fruit beverages or carbonation makes and difference, but not with beer or liquor specifically. The one reason you may get sick is because of the congeners in alcohol, which are a by product. Basically, stick to the same drink if you can, because if you're drinking different types of drinks, you're getting different types of congeners in you, and sometimes they can have a reaction that ain't so great for you. Bottom line, alcohol is alcohol and if you drink enough, it doesn't matter what you had in what order, if you drink too much, you'll make yourself sick.
Myth 3: Sucking on a penny helps you pass a breathalyzer test.
Yeah, so not true. Just watch Mythbusters. They already covered this and said there is pretty much no way possible to beat a breathalyzer test, so don't even try.
Myth 4: Hair of the dog as a cure for a hangover.
This one is actually false, which surprises me. When I was in my big time party days when I was a bit younger we always did this. Maybe it was just psychological that we felt better. Actually, the metabolites in alcohol will actually make your hangover first. The researchers go on to say that the best way to cure a hangover is to moderate your drinking so you don't get what. Um, yeah. I take it they don't get out much. =P
Myth 5: Alcohol kills brain cells.
This one is actually sort of true. Sigh. It certainly explains all my blonde moments. It's something about alcohol being a neurotoxin, and if you have the right genes, or the wrong ones haha, if you drink a lot over the course of your lifetime, you can develop something called Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome, which deteriorates the brain tissue. Well, that sucks.
And now that you have been enlightened, go out and have some beers and have some beer before you get to your shots. =)
Posted by Tera Kleinfelter at 8:33 AM 5 comments
Labels: Random
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Love Me by Kelly Jamieson
Warning: Hot girl on girl scene!
Posted by Tera Kleinfelter at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Editing, New Releases, Samhain Publishing
Friday, September 12, 2008
A day late and a dollar short
But there's a reason for it. I couldn't really post this before I had watched the show.
Last night, Myles and I sat down and watched the 102 Minutes show on the History Channel. I thought it would be interesting to watch and see footage from a non-news aspect. Wow, it gave me a whole new perspective on things.
I know a lot of people compare the attacks of 9/11 to that of Pearl Harbor. I wholeheartedly do NOT agree. The 9/11 attacks were MUCH worse. When Pearl Harbor happened, they attacked a military post with military people, people who signed up for a job, knowing there was risk such as that attached to said job. It was also a time of war (Yes, I know, we weren't in the war yet, but it was inevitable and everyone pretty much knew it at the time). 9/11 was none of those things. It was during peacetime and it was to everyday, innocent people. Now don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying that the people at Pearl Harbor weren't innocent, but I think you know what I mean. The people who lost their lives during 9/11 were non-military people.
Watching that show last night really made me think more about 9/11 and what the people were going through, and I don't think the news has ever really shown that aspect of it. These were people on the streets as it happened, regular people, who were there as it all went down. You are seeing peoples' reactions as the events happened, in real time. You are feeling their panic and terror, and I had a hard time keeping myself from tearing up as I watched part of it.
In one part there are two college girls taping it from their apartment window, before the second plane struck, and one of them notices "things" that are falling faster than the other debris, and she is hit with the epiphany that those are people. In this footage, you can see the people jumping and freefalling, you can see the people on the top floors, above the impact area and fire, hanging flags out the window, leaning out of their broken windows and yelling for help. And you know, these people you are watching, they're all dead now. None of them lived through the collapse.
I think what got to me the most was the reactions and the expressions on the firemens' faces. Many of them are walking toward the building resolutely, scared shitless, some with tears in their eyes, but they are still going willingly. That is such bravery and courage, and I have even more respect for them than I had before, and my respect for them has always been very high up there. You can see the reactions of the firemen as people who have jumped or fallen land on the ground in front of them. And you can see how dazed, confused and utterly helpless they are after the collapses. You can see that they simply didn't know what to do at that point.
I know a lot of people don't like to hear things like what I've said, and they choose not to pay attention to that, but it's important we never forget. This was one of the worst days in the history of our country. Hell, it should be a national holiday like Labor Day and Memorial Day.
And people need to think of the many other American lives that have been lost since then, of our men and women fighting in the middle east, who were dragged into this mess. And yes, it's a mess. I may support our troops, especially since my brother is over there fighting in the Army right now, but the reason we got into this war in the first place has not been dealt with. We should be looking for Bin Laden, he should be dead already. Instead, we went over there because the president wanted to settle Daddy's old score. Saddam is NOT who commited the atrocious acts of 9/11, and the people who did are still out there, still hating America, still planning other ways to "get" us.
I know a lot of people don't agree with what I may have said, and that's okay. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and this is mine. It's something I feel strongly about. Like I said, it's okay if you don't agree with me. And no, I don't believe 9/11 was a conspiracy...that is just an absolutely ridiculous notion and has been disproven time and time and time again.
Posted by Tera Kleinfelter at 1:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: Family and Friends, Military, Random
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Ooooh, pretty

Posted by Tera Kleinfelter at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
My Bridal Shower...
By the way, the awesome picture of my dad drew that. =) He's a phenomenal artist. And I'm sitting in my throne, cheesin' at something or someone.
The three littlest ones who weren't participating, but sitting in the living room playing and watching cartoons, saw a few people come out to do the toilet paper wedding dress game and were so fascinated they wanted to do it do. All under the age of six. =)
And this one is of me and my practice bouquet....something I never even knew about until yesterday. I'm telling you, I'm pretty green regarding this whole wedding thing. =-P
Posted by Tera Kleinfelter at 7:03 PM 1 comments
Labels: Family and Friends, Wedding
Saturday, September 6, 2008
So today....
Is my bridal shower. Right now I'm sitting upstairs in my office with my neice Grace while her mom, Misty, is downstairs cooking and getting everything ready for when people start to arrive in a couple of hours.
She brought a bunch of the stuff over last night and helped me rearrange the house and get it back together after having the carpets cleaned and was showing me the stuff she put in the gift bags. =) Everyone is going to be getting things I like... all of my favorite things. =) Bubbles in the shape of high heels and lip sticks (since lip gloss stuff is hard to find, lol), little wooden elephants, some Ariel from the Little Mermaid stuff (since there will be kids here and the Little Mermaid is my FAVE Disney movie), my favorite candy bars, glass coasters with calla lillies on them...and the list goes on. It's so neat and it's so perfect. There is no theme other than "Tera". LOL She even has done everything in my favorite colors, black, white and pink.
This morning, she showed me the special surprise that she had set up...a scrapbook recipe book. She get recipes from all the family members on Myles's side and my family and friends will be contributing theirs today. Each family member has a page with their name on it and my favorite recipes. When I looked through it, I cried. It was really touching. Even though Myles's grandmothers have both passed, they even have pages in there. Wow.
This all feels so surreal. Myles and I have been together for four and a half years now, and we've been engaged for over two of them. It's like the wedding and all this has been such a long time coming that now that it's finally here, it still isn't quite real yet. It's amazing and wonderful. I'm so excited about everything and I can't wait to see what else Misty has in store for today.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention the cake. Er, cakes. She made two. One is a wedding shoe, since, well, duh. LOL And the other is a pink elephant in a wedding dress with a tiara and a veil!! Oh my God, it's awesome. I'll be sure to post pics of everything. =)
Posted by Tera Kleinfelter at 10:19 AM 1 comments
Labels: Family and Friends, Myles, Wedding
Monday, September 1, 2008
Ah, having an office
I moved into my office today, even though it isn't 100% complete. We still have to paint some chair rail and put that up one night this week. Myles is currently putting up the chair rail in his office right now. The room I'm in has been painted and unused for two years now. Yes, we've had an entire room in our house that has been unused. It's slated to be the nursery when we have kids in a couple of years, but until then, it's my office. And I have NO CLUE what I'm going to do for an office when the first rugrat comes and I have to give my space up, but I'm sure we'll figure something out. Gar. But, for right now, it's nice to have my own space for editing and such. I have all of my reference books and notepads and highlighters and pens and such in one place, and now the living room isn't cluttered with all my crap. =) I've been needed to seperate work and relax time for a while now, and I'm happy it's finally done. I'm sure I'll work just as much, but I'll work more efficiently. LOL Plus, when I'm not in front of the TV, it enables me to place all my concentration on the submission I am reading or the story I am editing. I think it will work much better this way. And did I mention that it's nice to have a room that's JUST MINE? =) I think that's my favorite part. None of the bookshelves match, the desk isn't the greatest, I still need to hang some pictures on the bare walls and I don't have any curtains for the window yet, but dammit, it's mine. =)
Posted by Tera Kleinfelter at 7:50 PM 1 comments
Labels: Home Projects